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Rabbi Meeka Smerly
Meet with John Rogers, associate pastor at the FCC of Montclair
DNBC Project
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DoNotHate attended to Women’s March 2019

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  • Do Not Hate Womens March 2019 22
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An interview with an “Almost a school shooter”
DoNotHate invited to First International Youth Peace Concert
DoNotHate invited to The First International Youth Peace Concert.
As DoNotHate we were invited to First International Youth Peace Concert. We had a chance to meet new people including Annette Quijano who is the Deputy Majority Leader at New Jersey Legislature General Assembly. We send our thanks to everyone who has played a role in organizing this amazing event.-> Read more
DoNotHate visited Ambassador Carlos Garcia
DoNotHate visited Ambassador Carlos Garcia.
DoNotHate visited Ambassador Carlos Garcia -Secretary General United Nations Association of El Salvador- in his office. Mr. Ambassador told his journey and explained what strategies were behind his decisions. He greatly encouraged DNH and gave his critical advise. It’s the first step and we hope to work together with Mr. Ambassador so we can make youth more involved in projects and decision making processes.-> Read more
The Equal Protection Clause
The Equal Protection Clause
I most definitely believe that the Equal Protection Clause is well needed in this country of diverse society but I feel that it is useless when not applied by all. Even if the Supreme Court and those with equal power believe in this, …-> Read more

Building a Hate-Free Society: Youth’s Impact
Building a Hate-Free Society: Youth’s Impact
According to the statistics of Southern Poverty Center, there are 953 hate groups that are currently operating in the United States. While their targets differ, they have one main motivation which is to attack, either physically or verbally, a certain class of people who are members of one specific designated sector of society such as ethnicity or a belief system. …-> Read more

Path to peaceful world
Path to peaceful world
I want to live in a world that we can live together peacefully! And I am pretty sure that we all want to live in such a world. But I have bad news: If we don’t do anything about it, peace will not come to us by itself. We have to get it on our own!…-> Read more
How Hate Affects Us All
How Hate Affects Us All
It happens daily. The use of negative words and actions to hurt the undeserving. Why are they undeserving? No one deserves the damage hate can do.
I’ve seen it on social media, underneath photos of people with “controversial” viewpoints. I’ve seen it in the way people throw around the “R” word like it is a synonym for stupid when it has the potential to crush people who at one point in our history were deemed “unworthy of life.”…-> Read more
Is Hate Learned or Natural
Is Hate Learned or Natural
Hatred against something comes when a person feels that something blocked their will. The person desired to do something or for things to be a certain way, and this person, place or thing, blocked that from happening or being the way the person wanted it to be…-> Read more

Shape or reshape before it’s too late
Shape or reshape before it’s too late
Just like a wind up car, if you put people on a path from childhood, they will never truly stray from that path even as they get older. So this tells us that people are shaped during their childhood. What do we do in the modern-day to “shape” or “start off” our children?-> Read more

Bullying All around You
Bullying All around You
In my old school, where I was from 4th grade to 7th grade, bullying was a big problem. People were constantly being bullied around me. It was at a point where it became a continuous loop. …-> Read more

Understanding the Other Side
Understanding the Other Side
Terrorist. That’s what my friend in second grade called me when he found out that I was Muslim. Muslim… That word strikes fear in the hearts of many people both in the United States and abroad. When people only subscribe to one source of media, they only see one side of the story- one point of view…-> Read more
10 tips for identifying and responding to Hate Bias Incidents
10 tips for identifying and responding to Hate Bias Incidents
A Hate bias incident is a speech, expression or conduct motivated, completely or partially by prejudice or bias. It is not the same as Hate crime, as there will be no criminal activity involved in Hate Bias incidents. …-> Read more

Obscurity as a reason of hate
Obscurity as a reason of hate
I stumble upon videos where a person is being extremely racist and hateful towards others, and most of the time in those videos, the racist people say the most bizarre things I’ve ever heard….-> Read more

What exactly is a Hate Bias Incident?
What exactly is a Hate Bias Incident?
The term ‘Hate Bias Incident’ relates to behavior or language which displays an act of bias against people based on their identification qualities such as race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and many more. Regardless of what category it belongs to, a hate bias incident is an act which violates the code of student conduct. Hate bias related incidents lead to a more serious set of consequences..”…-> Read more
It’s time to eliminate mental health stigma in schools
It’s time to eliminate mental health stigma in schools
So many of my fellow students have to hide the fact that they take medication for anxiety, visit therapists, and struggle with mental health problems mostly rooted in stress and trauma. Yet when someone sprains and ankle or tears an ACL, it’s no big deal. It’s not their fault. Well, breaking news…-> Read more

Congressional Hearing On Growing Hate Crimes Targeting Religious Groups


Workplace Bullying: What does the law say?

Workplace Bullying: What does the law say?

Bullying in the workplace – which includes yelling, insulting and belittling comments, teasing, threatening, and name-calling – often goes unchecked and overlooked. The Workplace Bullying Institute defines workplace bullying as the repeated, health-harming mistreatment of one or more persons (the targets) by one or more perpetrators. It is abusive conduct that is threatening, humiliating, or intimidating, or work […]

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It makes me sad.

It makes me sad.

It makes me sad. The hatred that can run through someone’s veins so deep that they’re blinded from all visions of reality. To want to hurt. Scream. Shout. Cry. All for… why?

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Nancy Krieger: Are hate crimes a public health issue?

Nancy Krieger: Are hate crimes a public health issue?

It is critical to identify structural racism is a key determinant of population health Recent events in the United States in Charlottesville, Virginia have reverberated around the world.1-11 They commenced with a horrifying “Unite the Right” conclave where alt-right white supremacists and neo-Nazis openly joined in a terrifying torch-lit evening rally and daytime demonstration, both replete […]

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