How we know its a bias incident
A Hate bias incident is a speech, expression or conduct motivated, completely or partially by prejudice or bias. It is not the same as Hate crime, as there will be no criminal activity involved in Hate Bias incidents. As the hate crime incidents, if prosecuted, are dealt with in the Judicial system, schools and educational institutions must hold the responsibility in handling the hate bias incidents through several educational programs and grievance procedures. Here’s a look at the top 10 tips that can assist in identifying the Hate Bias incidents:
➢ Usage of epithets and slurs such as beaner, nigger, faggot, any similar ones.
➢ Usage of Hate Symbols.
➢ When the perpetrator admits of their conduct being motivated by hate bias and prejudice or that they have chosen the target according to their race, religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or such similar aspects.
➢ The target believes that the situation was caused and motivated by bias.
➢ The target openly practice activities that are linked or related to their ethnicity, race or any other identification characteristics.
➢ Any type of prior news coverage of comparable hate bias incidents.
➢ The incidents are taken place against people of groups whose existence is opposed in schools or communities.
➢ Any possible participation of members belonging to organized hate groups.
➢ A similar patterns of incidents where the perpetrators and targets belong to different races, genders, religions or similar other aspects.
A few tips on responding to Hate Bias Incidents:
➢ Always prioritize the safety.
➢ Investigate and get the actual facts.
➢ Condemn hate bias acts and propagate fear.
➢ Get everyone involved in finding the solutions – teachers, students, parents, community members, staff personal, and administrators.
➢ Provide the much needed support to the victims.
➢ Implement the fitting consequences to the perpetrators.
➢ Focus on working and bringing up the unity.
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