Shape or reshape before it’s too late
“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
Just like a wind up car, if you put people on a path from childhood, they will never truly stray from that path even as they get older. So this tells us that people are shaped during their childhood. What do we do in the modern-day to “shape” or “start off” our children? We send them to school, we take them to church on Sundays, the mosque on Fridays, synagogues on Shabbat, or any extracurricular activities that can feed our children or shape them positively. But there is one thing that we are not giving our children enough of, and that is love (The ability to love, appreciate, tolerate, and respect others).
To support this claim, you can just look in the news. There is always some sort of hate crime, bias incident, terrorism, bullying, or hate related news. This proves that today’s adults have not been shaped against hatred, racism, segregation, and intolerance during their childhood, and because they haven’t, they don’t pass this to their children. However, if children were taught to respect, appreciate, love, and tolerate people, as essential attributes such as reading and speaking, they would never abandon them. If only kids somehow learned these in schools and educational institutions, the future might just be hate free.
On the contrary, kids are either bullying or being bullied at schools, as if they are exercising their hateful emotions. This makes it seem like school are feeding our kids, or shaping them in the way of hate rather than the way of love. After countless discussions, we realized that the best way to stop the hate from spreading to the newer generations is to shape or reshape them before it’s too late. Bullying is a huge problem in America and almost all of the time it is directly associated with school shootings and suicides, which are also major problems in the US. We think that bullying or being bullied can lead to almost permanent emotions of hate, disrespect, fear, anger, intolerance, segregation, and all bad things. Thus, we -as Do Not Hate- started Do Not Bully. Our dream for the Do Not Bully campaign is to first try it in our school, then spread it to other schools. This way more and more nests can feed more and more children the right things. If we truly want a hate free America, then we need to start our children on the way of love, respect, and tolerance. If we succeed in doing this they will not stray from this way even when they get old. This is how we can ensure a better future for all!
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