The Story of Caner
You may know or may not. For 2 years in Turkey, Government rules the country under dictatorship, Imprisons or purges all the opponents groups and parties. Including Kurds, Leftists, seculars, Kemalists and Gulenists.
There are 120.000 purges. If I say 17.000 women and 700 babies are in prison right now, you may not want to know how many men are.
The government pointed certain groups and made the others enemy to these groups. The result is catastrophic.
This is the story of my friend Caner.
Have you ever felt what it was like to feel lonely? I don’t mean like going to your parent’s friends house and not having any friends there, or your best friend not coming to school for one day. I mean not having anyone next to you when you need it the most. Bullied and left out of your best friends’ crew when you had to live in a dorm with them. Not being able to talk to anyone when you are in a stress or depressed mood. My friend Caner told me the story of his life, and it is exactly about what I previously stated.
When Caner was living in Turkey, back in sixth grade, he had friends at school. Every day from 7 am to 6 pm, he spent his times with these friends. After a while, even though Caner hadn’t done anything to them, these three friends stopped talking to him in school and on the bus. They have him to sit alone, teased him at times, and didn’t want to talk to him. Because he was one of the “others”. This was how his 6th grade went. In 7th grade, conditions made him to come to America to study and live with his aunt. Because he didn’t know English, he had no one to talk to and couldn’t communicate with anyone. By the time he had learned English, not a lot of people wanted to be friends with him because they already had their friend groups.
Once 7th grade ended, Can skipped a grade and continued from his brother’s footsteps, attending to Pioneer Academy. Caner have a lot more friends than he usually did in the previous year, particularly one group of five people which they called each other brothers. However, the same incidents that happened just three years ago repeated. This time left alone in the dorms without his family and no one to talk with. With the repetition of these circumstances, the only person that he was comfortable to talk to was his girlfriend, Ece. The distance between Ece and Caner led to their breakup and the breakdown of Caner. He now hadn’t lost his only friend, but his base of life, the only person he opened up to. Loneliness led to depression and depression led to awful thoughts. Without anyone to talk to, Caner kept all his hatred and sadness to himself. Not this, his father, who was a Supreme Court Justice in Turkey, was purged too. This drove his father’s imprisonment and the imprisonment of Caner’s feelings.
With all these incidents back to back, all these hate crimes that Caner had to go through to, led to his downfall, causing schizophrenia and split personality disorder. Because he was always left out and alone, Caner developed a split personality disorder, meaning that he had someone else inside him who he talks to when he is lonely. Now Caner has to go through medications and shakings throughout the day, monthly trips to the doctor, and silence. If it weren’t for all this hate in Caner’s life, he would’ve been normal like all of us. PLEASE DO NOT HATE! Because the consequences may be horrifying.
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