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United We Stand Against Hate!

Bullying in the workplace – which includes yelling, insulting and belittling comments, teasing, threatening, and name-calling – often goes unchecked and overlooked. The Workplace Bullying Institute defines workplace bullying as the repeated, health-harming mistreatment of one or more persons (the targets) by one or more perpetrators. It is abusive conduct that is threatening, humiliating, or intimidating, or work interference—sabotage—which prevents work from getting done, or verbal abuse.

It makes me sad. The hatred that can run through someone’s veins so deep that they’re blinded from all visions of reality. To want to hurt. Scream. Shout. Cry. All for… why?

It is critical to identify structural racism is a key determinant of population health

Recent events in the United States in Charlottesville, Virginia have reverberated around the world.1-11 They commenced with a horrifying “Unite the Right” conclave where alt-right white supremacists and neo-Nazis openly joined in a terrifying torch-lit evening rally and daytime demonstration, both replete with Confederate and Nazi symbols, slogans, and myriad assault rifles. Their violent rally led to the death of a non-violent…

Hate crime against autistic people happens because of ignorance and prejudice. I have a theory that some people only have to hear the world ‘autism’ and they immediately think of American high school massacres where the shooters happened to be autistic.

Take Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook) for example.

Obviously, what Lanza did was unforgivable – not to mention inexcusable – but here’s the thing: being autistic did NOT made him a murderer.


There is a lot of talk in the news about hate these days. Some people use the word to replace dislike, like when someone says “I hate my hair today” or “I hate peas”. You don’t really hate your hair or peas, you dislike them.

Some people think it is the opposite of love and that you have had to love someone a lot in order to hate them. Some people hate like it’s an occupation, like it’s a normal thing to do. Like if they don’t hate something they won’t know how to exist. There is fear and anger underneath hate. Hate is not the opposite of love. The opposite of any emotion is apathy, a lack of any feeling. Hate and love cannot co-exist.

One cannot help but be tormented by the sights of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The sheer size of the complex and the efficiency with which the Nazis exterminated millions is overwhelming. Each of the chimneys in this view are remnants of a barracks that held 4-5 hundred human beings awaiting death.

Emptied and refilled over and over.

Man, the struggle is real.
The hate in this world is a struggle.

Last Monday morning was a weird morning. I woke up, checked Facebook and saw my college friend’s post saying she was marked safe in the Las Vegas violence.

Photo by Tim Boyle/Newsmakers


Today my boss was given a letter from the Klu Klux Klan aka the KKK. They started the letter by stating despite the bad PA that made them out to be a hate group nothing could be further from the truth.