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United We Stand Against Hate!

We’re sure everyone has heard about the current protests happening all over the nation in response to the disgusting and wrongful murder of George Floyd and the 400+ years of inequality that our Black brothers and sisters have faced in this country.

It seems that every day we hear news of Black people being unjustly treated. What’s more, is that the cases we see on the news and on social media are only the tip of the iceberg; there is a whole world of injustice that happens off-camera.

Some of us don’t fear unjust treatment from those that are put in place to “protect and serve.” Some of us aren’t afraid when getting pulled over, we don’t have to fear for our lives when going for a run, or walking back from the convenience store. Some of us do not have to face the reality that there will be people who hate us, no matter who we are, just because of the color of our skin.

We must do something about this. Speak out about injustice, go to protests, donate to organizations, do your part.

Desmond Tutu said, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” We would like to affirm that we are on the side of the oppressed.

Black Lives Matter.

This week was bookended by hate and violence.

Yet again we turn our thoughts and prayers to the communities grieving after these mass shootings potentially motivated by hate and extremism.

It began in Gilroy, California, when a shooter opened fire on families who were spending the day at the Gilroy Garlic Festival. Three killed.

Less than a week later, a gunman opened fire at a Walmart in EI Paso, Texas. At least 20 people were killed, and 26 others were wounded during the shooting.

Hours later, another gunman opened fire on a group of people in line at a nightclub in Dayton, Ohio. 9 people were killed and 27 injured.

Families will be deprived of their right to see and be with their loved ones. They’ll be waiting for their family members at home each and every day only to not have them there.

Do Not Hate expresses deep sadness. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of those affected by this tragic event.

Hate is contagious. Describing immigrants in derogatory terms, especially in politics, pushes anti-immigrant hate into the mainstream and fuels white supremacists.

Everyone has the basic human right to live in safety, whether they are going shopping, walking down the street, or living in their homes.

Immigrants are not “invaders”

Words will not stop these acts of terrorism. There should be a determined federal response. Our representatives must stand up against racism and support the diversity of our nation and our state.

We can do better. We must do better.

Do Not Hate Foundation (DNHF) condemns the shooting at the Tree of Life Congregation Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We stand in solidarity with the Jewish community in Pittsburgh and across the nation as we mourn the loss of innocent lives.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of those affected by this tragic event. We encourage everyone to come together during these difficult times to be there for one another.

There is no place for hate in America. There is no place for hate anywhere.

Enough is enough

Our hearts are breaking, our hearts ache today. Once again, our Nation grieves another mass murder.

Thoughts and prayers won’t restore the lives of those killed at Santa Fe. We are saddened that our nation’s leaders have not acted in a meaningful way to address gun violence in America. It is a national shame that more students have died in our nation’s schools in 2018 than service-members in combat.

Something needs to change. We should not have to fear for our lives while going to school. We shouldn’t have to overcome the fear of death just to receive an education.

We renew our call to lawmakers to take substantive action on the mass shooting epidemic in our country.

Let’s make our schools to be a place of joy and friendship not bully, not fear and not terror.

Our prayers go out to everyone affected by the Santa Fe School shooting.

We want our schools to be a place of joy and friendship not bully, not fear and not terror.

Our hearts are broken and spirits are heavy. We are deeply saddened by the tragic and senseless attack today at the Marjory Stonemason Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, that took 17 innocent lives and injured many more.

We join with the people of Parkland in mourning the devastating loss of life.

We would like to call all our friends, students to take action for spreading love kindness. We believe that our future is in our hands and we the students need to take action.

May we as a nation learn that violence and hate must always yield to peace, inclusiveness, and love. We are holding all of those affected by this horrible act of violence in our hearts and prayers.

We were deeply saddened by the tragic mass shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs,Texas. These are the days for us to unite and stand against any kind of evil crime. These are the days for us not to let hopelessness win.

The youngest victim of the Texas Church shooting was 18 months old. As many as 14 children and a pregnant woman lay lifeless. Those dead inside the church ranged from 18 months to 77 years of age.

Our hearts break for them and their families.Just like it still does for Las Vegas. And Orlando. We pray for peace and healing for the congregation of First Baptist Church and the entire Sutherland Springs community.

We encourage everybody to offer their prayers, good wishes and support to all of those who have been affected.

We are shocked and saddened by the outpouring of hate that led to violence terrorist attack in Manhattan which resulted in the deaths of eight innocent civilians and left 11 others injured. We strongly condemn this despicable and senseless act of violence.

Every single act of terrorism any attack on the sanctity of human life is an attack against humanity. This attack was not only against New Yorkers but against universal human values that we all share. It is more important than ever to stand in solidarity against violence, hate, and terror.

We send our sincere heart-felt condolences to the victims’ families, loved ones and to all people who call New York home.