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United We Stand Against Hate!

Featured Project : Do Not Bully Campaign

These past weeks, we have been working on our DoNotBully Campaign and yesterday, March 20th, we started Bullying Awareness week in our school for the first time. Our team worked so hard both physically and mentally to put up this week and make it both fun and serious. We did an assembly and we took a pledge to stop bullying. On Thursday we will have a confession circle in which students will come, sit and open up about their problems and experiences connected to bullying, hate or hate crimes! We will end the week on Friday, by having a dress-down to wear DoNotBully T-shirts

From our first assembly. As we mentioned in the assembly, if you are experiencing bullying and can’t talk to anyone or if you feel like opening up to someone you don’t know personally is easier, we are always here to help. Contact us via our website or social media accounts and we will talk and listen. As united we stand against bullying

Bullying is one of the biggest forms of hate in our youth that needs to be seriously addressed. While bullying is unwanted and aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real perceived power imbalance, there are many different ways and types of bullying: verbally by name calling, socially by spreading rumors or leaving someone out, physically by hitting and cyberbullying spreading rumors over social media. It’s so important to understand bullying and take an action to stop it.

Hand Printed the DO NOT BULLY pledge.

This is our DoNotBully Campaign brochure. In this, you can find an information about how to do DoNotBully campaign in your own school. There are detailed instructions, sample letters, sample pledges, sample ground rules for meetings, Do Not Bully Skit, How to make a flashmob, campaign posters and much more. Contact us to get some and start the campaign in your school

DoNotBully dressdown !!!! Students wore the DoNotBully t-shirts today at school

Tags: do not bully activities, do not bully campaign, do not bully pledge, donotbully campaign, school assembly

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