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How to Report a Google+ Community Page

How to Report a Google+ Community Page

You must be logged into a Google account to report any items.

Step 1

  • Click Report abuse at the bottom of the left sidebar

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How to Report a Google+ Comment

How to Report a Google+ Comment

You must be logged into a Google account to report any items.

Step 1

  • Move the cursor over the comment to reveal a flag at the top right of the comment
  • Moving the cursor over the flag will show a tooltip: Report spam or abuse
  • Click the flag to report the comment

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How to Report a Google+ Post

How to Report a Google+ Post

ou must be logged into a Google account to report any items.

Step 1

  • Move the cursor over the post to reveal a chevron (v shape) at the top right of the post.
  • Click the chevron to reveal the post options, then click Report  this post

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How to Report a Twitter User

How to Report a Twitter User

You must be logged into Twitter to report an account.

Step 1

  • Click the gear icon next to the Follow button at the top of the offending user’s page

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How to Report a Twitter Status (Tweet)

How to Report a Twitter Status (Tweet)

You must be logged into Twitter to report an item.

Step 1

  • Click the ellipsis under the tweet for more interaction options

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How to Report a YouTube Comment

How to Report a YouTube Comment

You must be logged into YouTube to report an item, but if you have any Google account (such as gmail) you will already have a valid login due to their unified services.

Step 1

  • Move your cursor over the offending comment to reveal an arrow to the top-right of it
  • Click on the arrow

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How to Report a YouTube User

How to Report a YouTube User

You must be logged into YouTube to report an item, but if you have any Google account (such as gmail) you will already have a valid login due to their unified services.

* YouTube channels are reported in the same manner as users.

Step 1

  • Go to the user’s YouTube page

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How to Report a YouTube Video

How to Report a YouTube Video

You must be logged into YouTube to report an item, but if you have any Google account (such as gmail) you will already have a valid login due to their unified services.

Step 1

  • Click the More button underneath the video

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How to report a Facebook comment

How to report a Facebook comment

Whilst comments normally only display options to Like or Reply, hovering the mouse cursor over a comment will display a cross and tooltip which allows you to hide it and then report it.

Comments must be hidden before they can be reported!

Step 1

  • Hover the mouse cursor over the comment to show a cross in the top right corner.
  • Click the cross to hide the comment.

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How to Report a Facebook Post

How to Report a Facebook Post

Facebook’s post reporting depends on the content of the post in question. If the post comes directly from a person, is shared from another source, or includes a photo, the reporting options may vary.

Step 1

  • When viewing a post on a Facebook timeline, move the cursor over the post to reveal a chevron (v shape) at the top right of the post.
  • Click the chevron to reveal the post options, then click I don’t like this post…

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How to Report a Facebook Page

How to Report a Facebook Page

Facebook pages are currently one of the few entities on the social media site which have a relatively intuitive and straightforward reporting interface.

Step 1

  • Click the ellipsis to the right of the Message button to drop down the page interaction menu, then click Report Page.

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How to Report a Facebook Image

How to Report a Facebook Image

Depending on how you are viewing an image on Facebook, the reporting button may or may not be initially visible or accessible. Whilst the report button varies by interface however, the reporting process itself is subsequently consistent.

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How To Counter Hate Speech On Twitter?

How To Counter Hate Speech On Twitter?

File a report with Twitter that someone is Tweeting abusive messages. Twitter can temporarily lock and permanently suspend accounts that violate the
Twitter rules: https://support.twitter.com/forms

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