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United We Stand Against Hate!

Our Statement on the murder of George Floyd

We’re sure everyone has heard about the current protests happening all over the nation in response to the disgusting and wrongful murder of George Floyd and the 400+ years of inequality that our Black brothers and sisters have faced in this country.

It seems that every day we hear news of Black people being unjustly treated. What’s more, is that the cases we see on the news and on social media are only the tip of the iceberg; there is a whole world of injustice that happens off-camera.

Some of us don’t fear unjust treatment from those that are put in place to “protect and serve.” Some of us aren’t afraid when getting pulled over, we don’t have to fear for our lives when going for a run, or walking back from the convenience store. Some of us do not have to face the reality that there will be people who hate us, no matter who we are, just because of the color of our skin.

We must do something about this. Speak out about injustice, go to protests, donate to organizations, do your part.

Desmond Tutu said, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” We would like to affirm that we are on the side of the oppressed.

Black Lives Matter.

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