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United We Stand Against Hate!

Vision and Mission

Our Vision

Our dream and vision is to see the world become the way children see it. Children don’t hate, they don’t hold prejudices, they love everything. They love the sun, they love the clouds, they don’t distinguish between white and black; it’s all the same to them. Not only are children carefree, but they also believe that everything is possible and within our grasp.

We envision a society where every person views and treats each other with dignity and comes together to promote shared values of their communities and the world as a whole

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop public awareness for diverse cultures, beliefs, traditions, and opinions. We also seek to contribute to efforts in the goal of resolving lingering problems in our society. We want to unite different points of views on common issues and encourage people to engage in solving shared problems.

We seek to accomplish our vision by engaging in civic activities, creating awareness, writing about our thoughts on recent events and ideas. We also invite others to share their own insights, thereby removing barriers between different people and bringing them together to work towards a world where everyone lives in peace and harmony.